Literate City

We all knew it anyway, but Cleveland ranks as one of the most literate cities in the nation. Taking into account such factors as branch libraries per capita, volumes per capita, library book circulation per capita, Cleveland ranks 14th. Cleveland ranks 1st in library support, holdings and utilization. See the Central Connecticut State University study at

Reflections from 50 Years of the Cleveland Club of Washington, D.C.

Since March 20th, 1957, the Cleveland Club of Washington D.C. has hosted over one hundred gatherings, mainly luncheons, featuring such honored speakers as George Szell, Anthony J. Celebrezze, Frank J. Lausche, George V. Voinovich, and Harold H. Burton, to name but a few. As the club prepares to celebrate the 50th year bringing together Washington men and women who share a keen interest in Cleveland, we share some highlights from our past, and encourage members to make suggestions of speakers and activities for the future. Please feel free to contact club president Brooke Stoddard with your suggestions for the future, as you enjoy these reflections from the past.

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The Cleveland Club representatives above are: The man in the middle is the incomparable Otto Graham. The men on left and right are Club founders Ed Seitz and Joe Gambatese. This Club meeting was held in the late 1960s.

The Cleveland Club representatives above are: The man in the middle is the incomparable Otto Graham. The men on left and right are Club founders Ed Seitz and Joe Gambatese. This Club meeting was held in the late 1960s.